Tuesday, July 26, 2016


I took this trip because of my Dad. He was an adventurous guy who drove his red '53 Mercury from California to Fish Creek, WI with his best friend two years ago and documented it with a photography blog. So I wanted him to be there with me, in a way. I brought his hat, his camera, and his spirit along with me.
Keep scrolling and hit "Older Posts" to view the whole trip!

Yosemite Valley

Destination #1. Dad's hat is in perfect condition and looks great against the views in Yosemite.

On the Road

Driving over the Sierras and into the Nevada desert was gorgeous, especially when you're the only car for miles.

The Grand Canyon

I got to see the Grand Canyon both at sunset and sunrise. It's a great place to sit and think.

Land and Sky

It's amazing how many clouds you can see in all directions driving through New Mexico.

8th Wonder Brewery in Houston, TX


My unwaivering travel companion, Jackson.